The Esfah Chronicles

A Dragon Dice Fan Site

Amazons Reference Page

Normal Action Icons

Magic – Manoeuvre – Melee – Missile – Save


Special Action Icons (SAIs)

Racial Abilities

Javelin Charge

During a march, instead of taking part in the manoeuvre phase, all Amazon units may count their manoeuvre results as if they were missile results during a missile action in that march. In mixed race armies, other units make manoeuvres as normal, Amazons do not roll during that phase.

Kukri Charge

During a march, instead of taking part in the manoeuvre phase, all Amazon units may count their manoeuvre results as if they were melee results during a melee action in that march. In mixed race armies, other units make manoeuvres as normal, Amazons do not roll during that phase.

Terrain Harmony

Although Amazon units are able to generate magic results, the colour of magic generated comes from any colour at the terrain where it is located, including minor terrains and not their own racial colour (Ivory), although they can cast Elemental magic at any terrain. This means that in the reserve area, where there is no terrain colour, Amazons only generate Elemental spells.

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