Having a family whose 1st and 2nd languages are Spanish and Italian, I have found teaching the game of Dragon Dice more than a little difficult, especially as certain parts of the English version of the V4 rules are still prone to the occasional discussion amongst native English speakers.
My Spanish was certainly up to teaching my stepson the basics of the game, and he is sufficiently intelligent, given the basics, to be able to work out strategy for himself. The Spells and SAIs, however, were a different matter. There are so many varied and wonderfully nuanced SAIs, that it would be both impossible and pointless to try to teach these in one go, especially as seasoned players can still be seen pawing over the rules at organised Dragon Dice events.
Having used William Johnsen’s cards to teach myself the game, and to illustrate tactics on this blog. It made sense to repeat the exercise in other languages. i.e. develop a set of spell cards and SAI cards in the languages that were most likely to be used.
The two obvious languages, to me, seemed to be German (the home of board game players) and Spanish (spoken widely in the southern part of the American continent and in Mexico.
I approached my friends William, Patrick and Raphael with the idea and, to my pleasure, they all agreed to participate.

Today, I am pleased to be able to announce that the German version of the Dwarf spell cards are now ready to download and, hopefully, I will be able to announce further downloads in the very near future.
The button below will take you to William’s drive containing the English Spell and SAI cards and now, the start of the German spell cards.

I hope that you all will show your appreciation to William, Patrick and Raphael for their work on this project and therefore encourage them in completing this task which, in itself, is quite a large amount of work.
Thanks from me guys!! Your efforts are well worthwhile in my household!