Round 5
Stone skin expires…..along with the other 5 of them!
1st March Esfits?
Esfits: Reserve magic please.
Rolling for magic….
Esfits: March 2, skip manoeuvre to keep the minor on magic, and roll for magic.
Rolling again for magic…
Esfits: Resurrect the dryad, and summon a 1pt dragonkin.
Esfits: ….and send my reserves back to the frontier for what will be a bloodbath.
I’ll run the taps for you sir.
Monster Bash
Monsters: I’ll promote the red foal. Do I have choices? Oh… I totally forgot what was in my summoning pool.
Monsters: Let’s make it a blue foal recruit instead.
Blue foal it is then. 1st March Monsters?
Monsters: Skip manoeuvre to keep minor on magic. Melee attack.
Rolling for bloodbath….
Monsters: I count 21 melee, 4 smite, 4 cantrip.
Crocosaur – 4
Firewalker 4 melee – 8
4 Fireminions – 12
4 Counter – 16
4 Fly – 20
dkin ID – 21
Forgot flaming shields again!! Agreed 21.
Esfits: I’ll lose the elder dryad and the 1 pt swampstalker.
Monsters: 2 Palsy on his army with the Cantrip.
Esfits: Come on double bash!
2 palsy. Rolling for saves.
Make that 13 minus 2 palsy. I am getting him confused with an Eldarim champion.
17 minus 2 is 15. 6 damage.
Esfits: 4 stoneskins. Dryad and champion perish, then counter attack.
Does flurry target? My phone is working slow.
Esfits: No, flurry is 4 melee and reroll.
12 minus 2 for palsy leaves 10 melee.
Monsters: 3 bellies?!
Yep I saw that.
Monsters: I went for multiple common dragonkin to mitigate those chances!
Looks like you missed!!!
Monsters: 2 flashfire. 3 dragonkin for damage.
Monsters: No reserves.
Round 6 to follow shortly…..