As you are aware by now, I have returned to the Dragon Dice fold recently after a 20 year absence and am struggling, more that a lot of seasoned players, to learn about all the abilities of the different races, the new Eldarim, the Hybrid Dragons etc.

For this reason, I have a request for assistance with which I hope my friends will be able to contribute.

Not having played Frostwings seriously since my return, I bought in 3 more kickers from Midlam and received them yesterday. I now have a reasonable collection of these guys and would like to use them in one of my Tutorials for beginners.

The Frostwings, both old and new.

I am hoping, therefore that you can suggest 36 health armies using these dice for me to play against the Coral elves and Dwarves that I have used in previous posts. As a reminder, they are here:-

I am looking for

  • 36 health of units including monsters
  • Major Terrains to use
  • Dragons to use
  • Minor terrains
  • An idea of tactics

that I can use against both of these races.

Please post comments here with your suggestions, so that I can use your configurations in my tutorials.