Having just bought a few more of my erstwhile favourites, the Frostwings, I have decided to make an almost Beginners’ battle using them against our old friends from the coast, the Coral Elves.
The reason for using the term ‘almost beginners’ is because it involves the inclusion of minor terrains, something that I will cover later in the intermediate battles. Here, we have all terrains as Coastland, so the minor terrains are not nearly as important as they would be if we had 3 different terrain types, so this is an easy way in, and shows how they can be used just to improve the options for type of engagement.
I posted on here asking for a bit of advice by way of a 36 health army for my new Black ‘n’ Blue buddies and co-contributor to the blog Mr Jeff Denmon obliged almost immediately. Unfortunately, due to the limited size of my collection, I had to substitute a few mages for heavy artillery. I have no battle plan for these, as yet, so I will be ‘busking it’ until I get a feel for how they work. I will then set about making a Frostwing Test Army (or several) once I begin to understand them and their strengths and weaknesses.
The Coral Elf Army in this battle is my Test Army #1 and will try to work according to the plans laid out in my article about them.
Spells Used
Special Action Icons (SAIs)
Bullseye SAI Cantrip SAI Counter SAI Double Strike SAI Ferry SAI Fly SAI Frost Breath SAI Rend SAI Smite SAI

The Coral Elf starting lineup.

The Frostwings starting lineup.

The horde armies roll gives 4 manoeuvres to the Frostwings and 8 to the Corals. The Elves choose to go first and the Frostwings pick the Coastland Castle as the Frontier Terrain.

The starting distances are rolled and we could be in for a lengthy tussle.