The purpose of the Chroniclers’ League is to allow players from all parts of the world to participate in a Dragon Dice tournament on a regular basis using a ‘postal method’ of play officiated by a referee, who is responsible for providing the physical aspects of the game (dice, board, spell cards etc.), enforcing the appropriate version of the rules (currently V4.01), rolling the dice and reporting the outcomes of these dice rolls to the players using a suitable chat room such as Slack or Discord, preferably by using photographs, video or other visual medium.
The league will have a divisional structure, with promotion and relegation between divisions happening at the end of each set of fixtures or ‘Season’. The purpose of this structure is to ensure that players of all levels of ability are engaged at their own level, meaning that the more seasoned players compete together and that infrequent players and new players also compete against similar opponents. The amount of divisions will depend upon the amount of teams competing in the tournament, but will the amount of teams in any division will always be 6 or less.
Each team will be run by a player or ‘Manager’ who will be responsible for squad selection for each match and for giving instructions to the match officials during play. If a player, due to personal circumstances, is unable to play a fixture, the should arrange for another player to either substitute on a one-off basis, or to transfer their whole squad to another player, who will then become the new ‘Manager’. If any fixture is unable to take place in the allotted time due to the absence of one or both team ‘Managers’, then the tournament organiser will fulfil the fixture by playing for the absent manager(s). In the event of exceptional circumstances which cannot be forseen or are not otherwise covered here, the Tournament Organiser will decide an appropriate course of action to ensure that fixtures are fulfilled in a timely manner.
The Tournament Organiser will be responsible for supplying the dice pool and for keeping this up to date and available for players to use as required.

Starting Squads
Each Team will have a unique name and a Squad of Units and Items. All players wishing to enter a team into the league will:-
Select 36 health of units from a single race, not including Eldarim.
Select an additional 12 health of units from any race or races that are available in the current dice pool.
Any Team starting in one of the two top divisions will also be able to pick 12 points worth of Items from the dice pool.
All dice selected by a team are only available to that team until such a time as they are returned to the dice pool during a transfer window.
Transfer windows will take place for a week between rounds 2 and 3, and again between 4 and 5, each time up to 12 health of units and 6 health of items can be returned to the pool and replaced with others from the pool. Each player will have a single opportunity in this time to transfer units and items and transfers will be on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Note that the ‘single race’ rule only applies with the starting selection. Afterwards, players are able to pick units of any race for their squads, provided that they are available in the transfer pool.
The League
The league will consist of divisions of 6 or less teams, with movement up and down between divisions according to league placings at the end of a season. The top two teams in any division will replace the bottom two teams in the next highest division, if one exists.
Teams in each division will play their matches according to a fixture list supplied at the start of the season by the tournament organiser. Any matches not played by the allocated time will be decided by the tournament organiser as detailed above.
The Matches
Each match will be officiated by a suitable match referee and will be over a maximum of 15 rounds. Any match lasting 15 a full 15 rounds whereby neither of the ‘win’ conditions, according to the rules, has been met, will be deemed a ‘draw’. All matches will be 36 points construction.
At the start of each match, the team Managers must submit the following to the appointed match official:-
- Required Home Terrain Die
- Suggested Frontier Die
- List of their home army units (and items if applicable)
- List of their horde army units (and items if applicable)
- List of their campaign army units (and items if applicable)
- List of required Dragonkin (12 health)
- Two Dragons (Elemental, Ivory, Hybrid or Ivory Hybrid – Wyrm or Drake) or a single White Dragon (Wyrm or Drake)
- List of 4 minor terrains
House Rule for this tournament
During the terrain roll at the start of the match, any terrains that land on faces 8 or 7 will be re-rolled. This means that face 7 will not automatically be turned down to face 6, as given in the current rules.
Awards for each team will be as follows:-
Any team that gains control of two terrains or eliminates all of there opponent’s units within 15 rounds will be deemed to ‘win’ and will be awarded 3 league points. The loser will gain 0 league points.
In the event of a draw, both teams will be awarded 1 league point.
At the end of the match, the number of ‘terrains for’ and ‘terrains against’ each player will be noted and will be taken into account in the league table.
In addition to the above, the total health of units that each team has remaining will be noted and used as a further decider, if teams are still tied according to their league points and terrain difference.
All resignations will take place at the reserves phase of a player’s turn. All actions up to this point must be completed in order that the correct health of units for both players can be calculated.
League positions will be according to the number of league points gained. In the event of two or more teams tying on league points, then the difference between terrains won and terrains lost will then be taken into account. If two or more teams are still equal, the difference between health remaining for the team and against the team (health remaining on the opposition) will then be used to separate the teams.
What we have above is the draft version of the league rules and these will be modified as and when required to clarify questions that may arise.
Currently we have 12 players signed up for the July 2020 to December 2020 season, and their armies have been selected and set aside. We will therefore be running 2 divisions of 6 teams each with the most experienced players in the first division.
We still have the month of July to create a (perhaps smaller) third division if anyone is interested in joining in. Please note that items will not be used in the lower divisions owing toothier availability, or lack thereof, at the moment.