The idea for this battle came to me as a result of testing out new dice that I had recently purchased from Midlam Manor and from eBay. I had been lucky enough to get another Leopard Rider and a Cannibal in my two kickers that I bought, and I also was rather fortunate with my eBay acquisition, obtaining a trebuchet in the colour that I needed to go with my well-used Coral Elves.
After my marathon battle between the Coral Elves and Firewalkers, I thought that it might be a fun idea to combine them, using the Selumari for missile units and the Empyrea for the magic units. As both of these are light on saves, I added a sprinkling of Eldarim to help in this aspect. The addition of the Trebuchet and Heartseeker was to bring in a little spice, and to try out something new.
The Goblin army came about as a result of a chat with Joshua Cavalchini, who runs the Dragon Dice Wiki, and who is a regular Trog player.
The name ‘Moody Blues’ has been used for the army containing the Coral Elves, Firewalkers, Eldarim and Items. The ‘Trogs’, obviously, are the Goblin army.
Once again, I will be playing this slowly and will be trying to explain my tactics as we go along. I will also be making some moves which are designed simply to try out new game mechanics introduced by the new dice.
Battle Set Up
Both sides roll their horde armies.
The Blues will take the first turn, the Trogs choose the Frontier terrain.
The Wasteland Grove is chosen as the Frontier terrain.