This is part 3 of this tutorial battle report. It is recommended that you read the first two parts before this. If you have not read these, they can be found by clicking these links:-
Firewalkers v Coral Elves – Part 1
Firewalkers v Coral Elves – Part 2
Please note that, as always, I have split the battle into pages, with 1 round being shown per page. Please make use of the buttons at the end of each page to navigate to the next page.
This Part covers rounds 5, 6 and 7 of the battle.
Round 5
The Coral elves try magic in the reserves, but show a lack of enthusiasm, producing only 4 results.
Enough to resurrect a bowman, but not the sharpshooter.
Desperate measures are now needed to build a home base.
Leaving the magicians and one of the gryphons to offer support from the reserves.
The Firewalkers produce a bit more powerful magic from the frontier. They generate 14 points.
They produce a lot of hailstorms, 7 damage, on the Coral elf reserves. (Yes, I know that I have cheated with the cards, but I only have 6 hailstorms made – never expected to need more).
The Gryphon grabs two of the reservists and escapes before the storm hits.
They go to a safer place where they can continue to use magic.
But the others are not as fortunate and go to a quieter place.
The home army launch a small missile attack, generating 2 results.
The elves have had enough of this and get serious. They parry with 7 saves and, as the wasteland terrain contains the air element, their defensive volley comes into play.
Sadly, they confuse scimitars and wands for their bows, and fail to produce any missile damage on the firewalkers.
Reinforcement is called via Air Flight, leaving the magicians and a shadowchaser guarding the other terrains.
At the moment, this should be a relatively safe move, as the elven army are mostly otherwise occupied in trying to get home.