Round 12

A rare bit of luck for the Coral Elves…..

….. is celebrated by achieving 9 melee results against the dragon.

Resulting in two useful promotions and a dispatched dragon.

A well-timed Cantrip from the newly resurrected Enchanter allows him to prove his worth by adding 2 results to the 5 missiles thrown at the enemy at the frontier.

They were surprised and fail to make any saves, taking all 7 points of damage.

A bit of resurrection magic now becomes a requirement for both sides.

The reserve army duly oblige with 7 magic results.

Magical reinforcement first.

All the army congregate where they can get the most protection, and do the most damage.

Things start to look poor for the firewalkers, as they muster only 4 magic results.

Too little, too late?

The Watcher moves on undeterred.

He is joined by the rest of the fighting units, as they realise that magic is not their best skill.