Round 9
Tangerine Dreams

Tangerines: Reserve magics.

Tangerines: Resurrect the two ponies, reinforce to my home.
Felines: Ooh, hmm..

Frantic Felines
Felines: Feralize Hawk to Wolverine. Magic from reserve. Which will resurrect a small magic if I get any magic. Then magic from Home.

Felines: wow! Yay! Resurrect that little magic dude.
Little magic dude resurrected.
Felines: Magic from home.

Felines: Lightning Strike the big dice, Wizard and Mammoth Rider.

Tangerines: Damn… Gamble may not be paying off after all.
Felines: With a time limit, we all gotta gamble. Magic unit to home. my other unit to uh…. Frontier. Archer units retreat to reserves.
Tangerines: Archer retreat while at a tower? Interesting call.
Felines: All I can do is magic or missile. Not both. It’s hard for me to choose which I want to do. And only my ranged units have missile…