Round 8
Tangerine Dreams
All spells expire on feral home.
Tangerines: Mammoth tries for magic.

Felines: The woolly mammoths stomp their feet in frustration!
Tangerines: Magic at frontier.

Tangerines: Can I see the board?

Tangerines: Yellow drake to my home, resurrect a pony rider. Retreat everyone.

Frantic Felines
Wilding expires. Dragon attacks.
6 and a breath.
Felines: Well that’s the whole army! I misread the sizes again. Likely the whole army. Large and Medium burn up to a crisp.
My yellow breath card has gone missing!
Felines: Not gonna matter once the rest of the army dies! Half manoeuvres.
I will use my black for now.

Frazzled! All my earth spell cards appear to be missing now.
Felines: If I can Feralize a Hawk to Wolverine I will do that.
You can. You have.
Felines: I think Home is my only army, so I’ll manoeuvre there.

Felines: indeed.
Felines: Oh, that’s right. He retreated from there. Magic!

Felines: Lightning Strike the wizard!

Felines: Retreat a wolf-folk.